#MasonCOMM Intern of the Week

Meet Mason COMM senior Brad Byrne!

#MasonCOMM Intern of the Week

Brad Byrne is a senior, majoring in Communication with a concentration in Journalism. He has interned at the engineering firm, Dewberry, since May 2022. They provide product design and engineering solutions to local, state, and federal clients and received 2022 Engineering Excellence Awards. The various assigned projects allow Brad to expand knowledge in media relations, social media management, and the creation of multimedia content.

Some of his tasks include:

    • writing social media copy and posting for the company’s Instagram,
    • creating press releases on new hires, promotions, and project awards,
    • creating multimedia content for the firm’s website,
    • synthesizing stories and concepts to create blog content, and
    • assisting in the editorial process of the firm’s annual and corporate reports.

Even though Brad is a busy student as Editor-In-Chief of the GMU newspaper, the Fourth Estate, the internship allows Brad to gain valuable experience with each task accomplished, and gives him the opportunity to better understand working in the corporate world, and to follow his passion in strategic communication. He will continue working for Dewberry after graduation as a full-time employee. As Dr. Seuss once wrote, “Oh the places you’ll go.”