Stewart Has Article Published

by Briana Stewart

Stewart Has Article Published

During my MA, I had the pleasure of working with Andie Malterud and Melissa Broeckelman-Post from the Department of Communication and Heidi Lawrence from the English Department to study student experiences in the Communication Center in hopes of improving our center and services. From this, we published an article titled, "Student perceptions of value: A qualitative study of student experiences in the Communication Center" in the 2021 Basic Communication Course Annual

Typically considered the oral communication equivalent to writing center, communication centers give students an avenue to practice and refine vital communication skills. The Communication Center supports students and faculty at George Mason University through one-on-one coaching focused on developing communication skills.

Our services include assisting visitors with public speaking (e.g., delivery, verbal and nonverbal communication, and speech writing), outline development, visual aids, interpersonal communication, partner and group speeches, and other issues related to public speaking or communication. 

Link to publication