COMM Student Research Featured at the 2019 National Conference on Undergraduate Research

COMM Student Research Featured at the 2019 National Conference on Undergraduate Research

COMM 491 student, Claire Underwood, attended the National Conference of Undergraduate Research this year in Atlanta and featured her own research project from her 491 class. Her research project is titled "How different types of media framing impact perceptions of intentions regarding plastic pollution".

"Underwood, who did the research as part of her COMM 491 Honors Research Project in Communication class, asked about people’s awareness of plastic pollution and its consequences. She did this with a survey distributed through her Facebook page and Instagram account and sent directly to classmates, family and friends.

Respondents were also shown various forms of media explaining the dangers of plastic in nature: a New York Times article, the same article accompanied by a picture of an autopsied turtle with plastic in its stomach, the photo by itself and a video of a diver seeing plastic in the water." To read more about Claire's research and the other Mason undergraduate attendee's please click here.