Search Results for renaissance

Middle Ages

Dracula, Prince of Horror In the autumn days of the Middle Ages, disconcerting tales of horror began to spread through Europe about Vlad Dracula (“Little Dragon”), Prince of Wallachia (part of current-day Romania). As many pamphlets and handwritings attest, this man was so bloodthirsty that he sub...

Journalism Highlights Series

Journalism Highlights Series

At a time when traditional journalism has come and gone, George Mason University students have an opportunity to create the future of content and storytelling. At Mason we are advancing our Journalism advising in innovative ways to include branding, digital content, digital marketing, start-up growth...

Early Modern

 False Splendor   As the most powerful monarch of Europe with great military ambitions for France, the “Sun King” Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715) did not lack for enemies. His detractors in Britain, the Holy Roman Empire and the Dutch Republic – some of them French Huguenots who had fled the Catholic ...